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FORBES: Executive Vice President/COO Published on Forbes.com

July 12, 2017 | Press

Matthew Petrozelli, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer wrote an article for Forbes that was published in the Forbes Finance Council, Community Voice section on Forbes.com.

Matt was recently invited to join the Forbes Finance Council, which includes the opportunity to submit thought leadership articles and short tips on industry-related topics for publishing on Forbes.com. This was his first article submission.

As a financial services executive, I am often asked by clients, colleagues and students, “How did you get to where you are today?” Since financial services is a global industry, it is often difficult to decide how to cultivate a career and grow it into a profession. This article is designed to provide a roadmap for those entering the industry and attempting to make financial services their life’s work.


Read the full article on Forbes.com: Developing A Profession In Financial Services

Forbes Finance Council, an invitation-only community for executives in accounting, financial planning, wealth and asset management and investment firms.


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