January 2017 – Valley National Financial Advisors has been named the 2017 Who’s Who in Business Leader in the category of Financial Planner, presented by Lehigh Valley Style.

Now in its 33rd year, the Who’s Who in Business survey is a statistically accurate survey of consumer preference designed to identify and recognize business leaders in the Lehigh Valley. Created to celebrate local business leadership, The Who’s Who program seeks to reward local businesses for developing strong and memorable relationships with their customers.
FieldGoals.us, an independent market research firm asks the questions and then compiles the responses from a random sample of households all across the Lehigh Valley. A total of 77 categories were broken down into two separate surveys and were emailed to residents in the Lehigh Valley. Respondents could choose from a list of businesses or could enter their own choice.
Precautions were taken to ensure persons could only take the survey ones and could not forward the link to anyone else, so there could be no “ballot stuffing” by a particular business and to ensure the validity of the responses. If the link was forwarded, those votes received were not counted.
Leading companies were those organizations clearly mentioned by the greatest number of respondents taking the survey. Statistically speaking, leaders were separated from others by an amount exceeding the margin of error for the sample size.
All of the Who’s Who in Business Leaders will be featured in a regional media campaign that kicked off this month with billboard announcements. In April 2017, the complete list of leaders will be highlighted in Lehigh Valley Style magazine and honored at an award ceremony.
For more information and the full list of 2017 leaders, visit whoswholehighvalley.com.